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Welcome! This is an attempt at remaking Civ13, a BYOND game, using TypeScript and Node.js. This is loosely forked from the Bluespess engine, a JavaScript remake of the /tg/station codebase of SS13, also a BYOND game.

Check the original Civ13 here.

Please read the Contribution Guide page if you’re willing to help! All help is appreciated!



  1. Install node.js 14 or later from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Clone https://github.com/civ13/civ13-typespess.git using your preferred git software, or download the ZIP file from github and extract it (not recommended).
  3. Run setup.bat in the civ13-typespess/scripts folder.

Whenever you update to the latest code, run setup.bat again afterwards for the simplest and easiest experience.

Linux (Ubuntu)

  1. If you don’t have it yet, install git using apt install git.
  2. Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/civ13/civ13-typespess.git.
  3. Run setup.sh in the civ13-typespess/scripts folder.

Whenever you update to the latest code, run setup.sh again afterwards for the simplest and easiest experience.


Run launch_server.bat or launch_server.sh in the civ13-typespess/scripts folder. To join the server (locally) connect to localhost:1713 using a web browser. To connect remotely, replace localhost with the IP address.

If you have the database login system enabled (in server.cson), you also need to launch the PouchDB using start_db.bat or start_db.sh.

You can also use launch_client.bat to automatically update the dependencies and launch the game on the browser (Windows only).


All code is licensed under GNU AGPL v3.