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Server Rules

General Rules:

  • This server is intended to be a Medium/High-Roleplay (MRP/HRP) server, good communication along with other associated skills are necessary! Character has to be maintained at all times and actions are to be realistic (or at least the closest to reality). Low-Roleplay (LRP) (i.e. using memes ICly, “netspeak”, powergaming, unrealistic actions, disregarding the setting of the game) is severily discouraged and may be punishable, especially during HRP gamemodes.
  • English is the language of the server and players must speak it in all communication channels (IC and OOC), at all times. A good understanding of English is therefore also required.
  • As stated earlier, you must speak with the proper lingo/vocabulary of the current epoch and setting you’re playing. (Do not be using “netspeak” like “LOL”, “OMG”, “brb”, “g2g”, etc.).)
  • It is against the rules to speak about Out-Of-Character (OOC) topics Inside-Character (IC) and vice-versa on purpose. Failing to do so will be considered metagaming and may be punishable.
  • Do not abuse mentorhelp/adminhelp:
    Use mentorhelp for questions regarding gameplay.
    Use adminhelp for questions regarding bugs/rules/assistance in case of a problem.
  • Once a round ends (i.e. the Epoch vote finishes), griefing and random killing is tolerated. This is called “End of Round Grief” (EORG) and it’s allowed ONLY when the round has ended.
  • You must not be toxic or too agitated in any OOC communication channels (Dead-chat and mentor/adminhelp included).
  • Losing is part of the game: do not get mad about losing your character.
  • Ban evading is strictly prohibited.
  • When able to be applied, discord rules also are carried into the game, such as keeping things to the right channels, no spam, etc.
  • Every user must have common sense to identify and apply the rules to their behavior correctly so as to avoid breaking the rules and to discern wrong-doers from players who follow the rules.
  • Sharing and/or using exploits/bugs of any kind as well as sharing any kind of information that could lead to griefing is prohibited. This includes also abusing incomplete game mechanics, using unintended features to gain an unfair advantage for yourself or your team. You will be warned first and, if you persist, a permanent ban from the server will be applied.
    If you find an exploit please inform staff privately in a timely manner.

What staff say is law, so if when they ask you to stop, you must stop.

Prohibited Behaviors:

  • Erotic Roleplay (ERP) or any type of lewdness. The server has a zero tolerance policy towards the matter.
  • Griefing: destroying, hurting, killing, stealing, etc. without any proper escalation and/or valid purpose.
  • Metagaming: using external chats or knowledge to aid yourself in-game.
  • Racism and Discrimination: Those behaviors may only be tolerated IC and ONLY IF they are strongly justified by the gamemode setting (i.e. appropriate era and environment). However, such behaviors are absolutely not acceptable in OOC communications. An auto-bot is in place to prevent the usage of common racial/discriminatory slurs in OOC communications. Failure to follow this rule will most likely result in a permanent ban from the servers.
  • Exploiting glitches/bugs/incomplete mechanics (ex: using a duplication glitch or clipping through walls, without reporting it to the staff.)
  • Hacking (You really shouldn’t waste time trying to hack a really bad game engine.)
  • Obscene names (Pick something RP-friendly, and avoid copying other players names too.)
  • Spamming in any IC or OOC communication channel.
  • Adminhelping/Mentorhelping sentence fragments. Explain your situation fully through and in a calm manner.
  • Toxicity towards other players and/or the staff team. This includes disrepectful behaviour.
  • Bypassing in-game language barriers (Such as using LOOC or a paper to communicate. You should use emote verbs and you may do “drawings” on a paper (ex: you may write the following: A drawing of two stick figures crossing spears)
  • Killing yourself to play a different culture/race.
    If you don’t want to play a certain race/culture, you may kill yourself BUT must stay dead the rest of the round, otherwise you have to play with what you’re given. In TDM, if you chose a wrong role, ahelp first so you’re not wasting a role.

“Nomads” Server:

Additional Rules:

  • Do not murder or harm SSD/Disconnected characters, or purposefully put them into danger.
  • You can steal from anyone, anywhere, but being caught stealing makes you able to be killed.
  • You may not name yourself after real figures, or name your faction after a real faction, unless it’s a generic term for a nation-state (Can’t name yourself hitler, and you may not name your faction something like “The 3rd Reich”, be original. Mis-spelled and tongue-in-cheek names also counts, such as “Ayedulf Hutler”. However, you may name your faction “Germany” or “England”)
  • Actions in game are to be validated by a logic reason, for example; A war/conflict must be legitimized by the attackers either lacking enough of “X”/desiring more of “X” due to religious, economic or personal (the ones your character developped through no necessary control of your own.) reasons. Another example is the mandatory improvement to one’s character/family/home/neighbourhood/faction (in that order (unless there is a reason which comes from an IC action/event, not yours.) which we are driven to when we are prosperous.
  • Death and Injuries should be treated seriously (If you are diced up, surrender and don’t act like some macho-super-warrior (unless it fits you icly). You shouldn’t treat death as something to shrug off.)
  • You may break into a offline players base/home, as well as faction bases. It is the player’s responsability to ensure the safety of their property and belongings.


Because the server is considered MRP/HRP, it means you must “escalate” conflicts. Escalation is the act of using RP to build up tension before engaging in a conflict. Verbal communication should take plaace Usage of emote verbs and the “me” verb are strongly encouraged for escalating when you cannot communicate verbally. For example, if you want to rob someone, escalation should look something like this:

Good Escalation:

Person 1: “You there! I like your backpack! You should hand it over!”

Person 2: “What? No! This is my backpack, go get your own!”

Person 1: “I said give me that backpack! Do it or else you’re going to get hurt!”

Person 1 draws out a weapon!

Person 2: “Was that a threat? I will never yield to you!”

Person 2 draws out a weapon!

Person 1: “So be it! That backpack is mine!”

Combat Begins

Bad Escalation:

Person 1: “Give me your backpack!”

Person 2: “No!”

Combat Begins

If someone is ignoring your attempts to escalate, or makes it so you can’t talk to them to escalate (For example, they walk away mid-conversation and keep walking when you try talking.) then they may be attacked.

Language Barrier

If you don’t share a mutual language, you still need to properly escalate and convey your intent. Rather than screaming and tryng to push them down and punch them like a monkey with no brain, try using *me and describing things. Like if you wanted someone to leave, “Points to (person you want to leave) and points away from the settlement with an angry expression and hand by his sword”. Theres better ways to communicate than trying to be a monkey bashing his fists against his chest and flinging shit at people.


Wars are very special things, and should not be handled lightly. Wars should be escalation on a large scale, one small skirmish with a few people between two factions does not count as war. Only a member of the faction with a leading role may declare war. A faction when wanting to start a war needs to have a significant reason to. When in any doubt, the faction leader should contact an admin beforehand. Wars should always have advance warning for the defending side like any escalation, and all wars must have a chance for the other side to back down (EX: “We want your oil wells! Allow us to take this town and leave, or else you must die!”)

Non-Nomads Maps:

On non-nomads maps, you must play the role you join as (For example, if you join as a blacksmith, you open up a shop.) When there are multiple teams/factions, their relationships are considered neutral unless it is stated otherwise (ex: Colonists do not attack Natives randomly). When teams do have a dispute, people with combat roles should be the ones fighting, not civilians or shopkeepers.

Persistence and Semi-Pers

On nomads when the mode is set to semi-pers (this can be checked through the discord by asking or seeing that the restart vote has been disabled in game,) you may not raid bases/dwellings or go to war with factions that are offline. A good way to tell is if you hear or see someone inside the settlement you want to raid, or you can ask any staff that are on if the owners are online. This does not apply to publicly accessable buildings (non-locking doors, open areas with no gates or locked doors you have to pass through to get in.) If an area is relatively easy that anyone could get in (breaking a glass window which when broken removes the obstacle, or hopping a fence into someone’s backyard.) then you can access it.


  • No rioting until 30 minutes have passed in-game and you’ve made a plan with other prisoners. An single prisoner may not randomly attack a guard and have the other prisoners join in if it’s not part of an elaborate plan by the prisoners.
  • Guards can’t kill prisoners without a valid reason and should always try to keep them alive (a dead prisoner is one less worker). This implies that lethal force should only be used as a last resort. As a guard on sniper duty, you should aim for non vital parts of the body.
  • Guards shouldn’t use any riot gear before 30 minutes mark. They also should only use it in necessity.
  • Prisoners should always escape with a well thought out plan,.
  • Prisoners may only kill each other with proper escalation and a valid reason.
  • Guards can’t shoot first rather than baton them, they need to try and apprehend them (void in the case of riots)
  • Prisoners are competing against each other in three diferrent factions, but in the end they are all sharing the same fate of being in captivity.
  • Prisoners are to do their assigned job. If a facility isn’t open, don’t break in, wait until a guard opens it.
  • Guards can beat and apprehend anyone who crossed the borderline (yello hazard lines on the ground)
  • You must value your life (respawns may often be disabled in order to do so). Act your wounds realistcally: don’t lose and arm and state “It’s just a scratch!”

Occupation Rules

  • SS can shoot anyone with a gun held in their hands on sight. SS can shoot confirmed UPA on sight (UPA in a UPA uniform).
  • SS can’t kill civilians without good IC reason (They don’t need escalation)
  • SS should try getting civilians to work while trying to capture UPA alive. Dead is acceptable too, but not as good for points.
  • Civilians can’t harm SS without good IC reason AND escalation.
  • UPA can kill SS on sight and worldlessly, its their objective.
  • SS have a jail area. If a civie is being bad, arrest them, or send the axuillary police to arrest them.
  • The Auxillary Police are an extension of the SS, they abide by the same rules.
  • If you join as a certain civilian job, you’re to do that job. If you find it boring then ahelp to be changed and don’t choose it again.
  • SS can be slightly brutal to civilians for RP purposes, but aren’t to inflict lethal wounds or ruin others’ rounds intentionally.
  • No one can mindlessly grief and break into things. Even the SS or UPA.
  • UPA need to escalate to kill polish civilians for their objective.

TDM Server:

Additional Rules:

  • No teamkilling (if someone is disobeying a higher-up orders, they may be executed by the officer or arrested).
  • Wearing an enemy uniform is allowed, but you can be teamkilled for it.
  • You may commit warcrimes (Killing medics or people who have surrendered, however if someone is trying to capture a surrendered individual, or do some RP with a medic/prisoner, don’t attack them.)
  • Do not steal from your teammates (Don’t take your friends boots, or break into your commanders office just to get something.)
  • Do not waste your team’s resources and/or do things to inconvenience them on purpose (This is counted as griefing).
  • Even though there’s “less” RP in TDM modes, you must stick to character at all times (Running around naked and screaming non-sense is not something a soldier would do.)
  • Spawncamping is prohibited, unless the map has the goal to capture the enemy HQ where the enemy spawn. <!—

    RP Standards

The TDM server is mostly a MRP server, with a few HRP modes, where RP standards are more demanding. You must stick to character at all times, according to their background: Don’t say things they wouldn’t say, do things they wouldn’t do, etc. Appearance and gender are also taken into account. Each faction has its own restrictions/guidelines for appearance that you are to follow. Non-realistic hairstyles or hair colors (ex: neon ponytails for a WW2 soldier) are not permitted. Appearance has to be in accordance with the character’s ethnicity.


  • no grey hair
  • keep hair short
  • facial hair short, no beards beyond something like a goatee
  • skin color must be between 30-45


  • no grey hair
  • Keep hair shorter side, no long hair beyond the shoulders
  • Facial hair can be beards, but no big beards (No dwarf beards etc.)
  • skin color must be between 30-45


  • No grey hair
  • Hair trimmed short
  • Facial hair short/mustache or shaved
  • skin color must be between 30-45


  • Short hair, black or a really dark brown
  • Facial Hair must be short such as a mustache or none at all
  • Skin color between 20-45


  • Short hair, Black or dark brown
  • Facial hair can be long such as a long beard
  • Skin color must be from 85-125


  • Short to long length hair, black hair or really dark brown
  • Facial hair can be long such as a beard, but not too long
  • Skin color must be from 55-95 —>

    Discord Rules

The following list is non-exhaustive, for more detailed information regarding the Discord server rules, please refer to the #information channel on it.

  • Keep topics to their appropriate channels as much as possible.
  • Do not spam.
  • Do not ping people needlessly.
  • Advertising will get you banned, unless the current topic of conversation is about that server.

The following content is not allowed to be posted:

  • Gore
  • Pornography
  • Illicit links and files
  • Excessive Violence

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